The Mosaic art has a special beauty and very high handicraft value. The outdoor furniture manufacturer Triquimex is a company specializing in supplying outdoor furniture decorated by this kind of Mosaic art.
Mosaic is a kind of art that is made from the skillful hands and creative minds of craftsmen. They combine the tiny pieces of terra-cotta tiles to create a new whole. These tiny pieces are also pieces of colorful glasses, stones, tiles, etc. All of them are in square shape. They are colors, durability, and beauty that create a special style of Mosaic art. To obtain products reached criterions about quality and art, it requires great concentration, patience, and passion with mosaic art of the craftsmen. Therefore, Mosaic art not only has beauty, but also has very high handicraft value. That’s why the outdoor furniture manufacturer Triquimex chooses this kind of art to embellish the beauty of our furniture products.
The history of Mosaic art
Mosaic art came into being on the middle of the third millennium BC in Mesopotamia, one of the cradles of ancient civilization. At this time, Mosaic art was known as a kind of art decorated by pieces of colorful stone and elephant’s tusk. With prominent characteristics in comparison with the other kinds of art, Mosaic art quickly became popular in the following centuries such as the empire of Persia, ancient Greek civilization and ancient Rome culture. At the medieval time, Mosaic developed in both technique and color and is considered as a featured kind of art. It was the favorite kind of art of many people. Especially, it was decorated for Royal furniture.
Mosaic art is a popular kind of handicraft decoration.
Nowadays, Mosaic art is known as a very popular kind of handicraft art. This kind of art is applied for many public construction works requiring great artistry and knowledge about art picture. Recently, this mosaic art is used in many kind of furniture such as Mosaic tables and chairs, mosaic plant stand, and many other furniture items. Having sustainability value and great artistry, Mosaic art becomes more and more popular and used widely.
Three methods in creating Mosaic art
Direct method: In this method, all the decorating pieces like terra-cotta tiles, glasses, or stones are arranged and stuck directly on the background surface. This method is fitting for the three-dimension surfaces with limitation about height such as flower pot, jar, vase, or small furniture items. The advantage of this method is that the workman will see the shape of each product through each stage. Therefore, they can immediately adjust the shape if there have some mistakes. However, the disadvantage of it is the craftsmen have to complete the product in the certain time to maintain the adhesive between pieces.
Indirect method: In this method, all the pieces are arranged according to designs. Then, they are placed in certain positions on the surface having adhesive. This is the common method used widely in manufacturing mosaic table or artistic benches with mosaic surface.
Double indirect method: This is the method in which all the decorating pieces are established and put on the surface with temporary adhesive like plastic glue or soft lime. Then, we use an intermediate surface to put it on. Next, all the puzzle pieces are flipped and carefully taken out. This method requires complicated technique and great skill. The great benefit of this method is that it allows craftsmen to directly control the production process from the very first step to the final one.
Mosaic art in Triquimex’s furniture products
At Triquimex, all kinds of mosaic tables, chairs with mosaic surface or the other mosaic-style furniture items are sophisticatedly manufactured by a team of skillful craftsmen. They are careful in each stage from small details to the big one. We also add a waterproofing coat to ensure the durability of our products. Thus, they can stand out all the elements from the outsides.
In conclusion, Mosaic art is a typical kind of handicraft decoration. It is featured in formation and carefully made with passion and patience of craftsmen. Placing mosaic furniture in your space, you will have a special feeling about artistry that this material brings to these products. This feature is illustrated mosaic furniture made by the outdoor furniture manufacturer Triquimex.